
Monday, June 2, 2008

The Miracle Fruit / Buah Ajaib

The Miracle Fruit Plant, sometimes known as Miracle Berry, Magic Berry, or Flavor Berry (Sideroxylon dulcificum/ Synsepalum dulcificum) is a plant first documented by an explorer during a 1725 excursion to its native West Africa. Marchais noticed that local tribes picked the berry from shrubs and chewed it before meals. The plant grows in bushes up to 20-feet high in its native habitat, but does not usually grow higher than ten feet in cultivation, and it produces two crops per year, after the end of the rainy season. It is an evergreen plant that produces small red berries, with flowers that are white and which are produced for many months of the year. The seeds are about the size of coffee beans.

The berry is sweet, and contains an active glycoprotein molecule, with some trailing carbohydrate chains, called miraculin. When the fleshy part of the fruit is eaten, this molecule binds to the tongue's taste buds, causing bitter and sour foods (such as lemons and limes) consumed later to taste sweet. This effect lasts between thirty minutes and two hours. It is not a sweetener, as its effects depend on what is eaten afterwards, but has been used to cause bitter medicine to taste sweet.

Sumber: Wikipedia

Ha...yang kat atas tu versi "mat saleh" aku nak cerita sikit perihal "pokok buah ajaib" yang aku beli daripada seorang rakan setahun yang lalu. Pertama kali berbuah hanya dua biji sahaja dan begitu juga kali kedua berbuah. Kini untuk kali ketiga pokok ini berbuah dan lebih banyak daripada sebelumnya.

Aku dah rasa la buah ni...kira memang "ajaib" sebab lepas je makan buah ni semua jadi manis terutama buah limau yang masam. Malah air putih (kosong) yang kita minum pun akan ada rasa manis. Cuma yang tak syoknya buah ni untuk dirasa je...isinya alahai...macam mana besar buahnya macam tu la besar bijinya! Isinya nipis sangat!

Bapa jiran aku ada beritahu bahawa daunnya turut digunakan sebagai penawar beberapa penyakit. Antaranya kencing manis, darah tinggi dan sebagainya. Ambil beberapa helai daun, basuh dan kunyah...malah kawan aku pun ada maklumkan bahawa dia sering berbuat demikian sekiranya badan rasa tidak sihat...inilah kuasa Allah!

Gambar atas dirakam sebaik sahaja hujan berhenti.


mysmallgarden said...

Kat mana nak dapat buah ni? Nama tempatannya 'buah ajaib' ke? Kalau tak keberatan, dijemput lawat group kami sebab ada new topic on this buah ajaib.